Several books have been written on chelation. It is an inexpensive natural treatment that can cure and prevent disease. (For more information on natural cures for all sorts of disease go to And, of course, the drug companies can’t make money on chelation products so they will continue to try and discredit this natural treatment along with all others that pose a threat to their profit margin.
The opening up of the arteries is the most common benefit you will see from removing the toxins with chelation. If you are concerned about blockages in your arteries this is an answer worth investigating. Another possible benefit is men will not need Viagra in many cases since blood flow throughout the body is dramatically increased, because all the arteries are open, you get more oxygen to the blood, which means your alkalinity pH level ( goes up, which means you are less prone to cancer or other degenerative diseases. You have more energy. People's skin, hair and nails look better and healthier. Wrinkles can go away. You look younger. You become more flexible. All of your organs start becoming more vibrant and alive - younger and healthier.
There are two types of chelation, oral chelation and intravenous chelation. Oral chelation can be done at home. For faster results, find a healthcare practitioner in your area that does intravenous chelation.
If you are suffering from Cancer, HIV/AIDS, MS, almost any disease, there are natural cures out there, there is a way to remove this suffering from your life, and to do it quickly and inexpensively.