Dr. Clark University

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Friday, January 05, 2007

Dr. Clark Christmas Letter 2006

Christmas Letter

Hulda R. Clark – 2006

Dear health-minded friends and family. It has been such a good year. I see Santa Claus smiling through his beard already as if he can’t wait any more than the children. First he casts a spell on us, around Thanksgiving time, to fill our heart with hope. Our fondest hope is that our dear ones, our loved ones, our friends, distant family, and even despised ones will hurdle their illness and come through it safely. This year Santa can come closer than ever before to giving you your wish. We seldom have any power over such things. We are all deeply mired in old ideas, old beliefs, and old habits. But this year is different, so Santa is chuckling. In fact, maybe you should go back to the shopping centers and find yourself a bigger stocking, a lot bigger!

My dream of it started 18 years ago when I accidentally discovered the true cause of cancer…all cancers! Little did I know it was just the tail-end of cancer. I believed then, as scientists do today, that “a single cell starts it all”. We live, myself included, by belief, hope, and wishes, namely emotions, even when we are all trained in science… “Cause and effect for everything”. But my beliefs, in contrast to others, had suddenly changed. I had seen the first glimmer of cause and effect for cancer. It started my odyssey to make progress with it. Such an experience had happened to 100 or more earlier cancer therapists! They too had departed from the dogma of the day. And because the human heart, like Santa Claus, is capable of compassion, we all steered our lives to the left, off the beaten path toward realization.

Christmas is such a strange phenomenon. It brings out the best in us. And Santa Claus works all year, with his assorted helpers, just to give it all away. What a species! If we all got our motives together and all joined hands we could drive ill health away.

My odyssey led thru the legal brushes with Melaleuca Corporation, Ester C and a Health Food Tea company. I could detect huge amounts of benzene, thulium and mycotoxins going into our food, even health food and baby supplements. It led thru 20 days in jail in 1999 after a judge sentenced me “because I should know better, with my education”. I had just recently marched in Washington for the right of women to be judges! Twenty days is enough to reflect on the human condition, the planet’s condition, personal responsibilities and role and my data…where it was leading. (I still feel the utmost gratitude to each individual, especially Dr. J., friends, families, and those who prefer anonymity for writing to me then, helping, and getting me through that rough spot.)

The data led to the drinking water. By simple statistics, deduction, and seeing cause and effect at work I could soon conclude that the cause of all our cancers was in the drinking water. Much is known about water…it should just be a hop and a skip…to the culprit cause, right? Every cancer patient was drinking something strange and others were not. But how is that consistent with the parasite cause?

By 2004, out of 100 or so contenders in the water, the culprit became a heavy metal. Then it turned out to be polonium. By 2005 it became a polonium-cerium-complex. Cerium is a lanthanide metal. Then it became a polonium-cerium-ferrocyanide-combination. The healthy people were drinking ferricyanide. What was the ferrocyanide doing? It was combining with alkylating agents, some of the worst mutagens and carcinogens known, the nitrogen mustards. These came from your body; you ate them in onions, garlic, and mustard (Yes, please stop).

The cancer-complex so far was polonium-cerium-ferrocyanide-allylmethylsulfide and similar things from onions. And that was fasciolopsis-food! Potato beetles need potatoes to survive and propagate their cycle. Buski needs onions-garlic-mustard chemicals to propagate theirs. And the real cancer causer was polonium-cerium-ferrocyanide-alkylators that were linking to your own DNA and F. buski’s. Cerium finds your inflamed organs, your isopropyl alcohol, your malonic acid, your tumor nucleus and links to them Read about this in the Prevention book. The cancer-complex is so big it can hardly hold together. It does not require clinical methods to break it up!

The dream is nearing where any community health worker without a degree could prevent all the cancers in his or her community with simple good advice. Filter out the ferrocyanide. But not with an ordinary filter.

The filter has just been completed, in time for Santa this year. It’s a specially treated, coconut shell based filter, that washes itself out every 5 or so days. Nothing to replace or get dangerous. Gone are the polonium, cereum, ferrocyanide (and ferricyanide), not to mention isopropyl alcohol, malonic acid, etc., etc. Dreams do come true!

Merry Christmas

P.S. Ask for the new Clark Filter; As usual, I do not sell it…. Be aware that there will be substitutes made. They will be very persuasive.

Look for the logo It means tested for ferrocyanide, ferricyanide and polonium, by Syncrometer.

…and a Happy New Year, with not another cancer case.