Dr. Clark University

This blog has been set up for anyone who wants to post new information, as it relates to health, and allow people to request information from other users and to post any information that they deem helpful. This Blog is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or disorder. People should consult with their most competent health care practitioner before taking any food supplements, like vitamins, herbs, etc.


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Monday, April 10, 2006


Chelation is the process of putting natural substances into the body that chemically bond with toxic materials that are in your body such as minerals, metals and chemicals.

Several books have been written on chelation. It is an inexpensive natural treatment that can cure and prevent disease. (For more information on natural cures for all sorts of disease go to http://www.drclarkuniversity.org/) And, of course, the drug companies can’t make money on chelation products so they will continue to try and discredit this natural treatment along with all others that pose a threat to their profit margin.

The opening up of the arteries is the most common benefit you will see from removing the toxins with chelation. If you are concerned about blockages in your arteries this is an answer worth investigating. Another possible benefit is men will not need Viagra in many cases since blood flow throughout the body is dramatically increased, because all the arteries are open, you get more oxygen to the blood, which means your alkalinity pH level (http://www.store.yahoo.com/drclarkuniversity/alkalife1.html) goes up, which means you are less prone to cancer or other degenerative diseases. You have more energy. People's skin, hair and nails look better and healthier. Wrinkles can go away. You look younger. You become more flexible. All of your organs start becoming more vibrant and alive - younger and healthier.

There are two types of chelation, oral chelation and intravenous chelation. Oral chelation can be done at home. For faster results, find a healthcare practitioner in your area that does intravenous chelation.

If you are suffering from Cancer, HIV/AIDS, MS, almost any disease, there are natural cures out there, there is a way to remove this suffering from your life, and to do it quickly and inexpensively.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a 69 year old female and I suffer from a condition called adrial fibrillation for the last 2 years.This all started in 1994 with tachycardia.I also have problem with my circulation. Otherwise I am healthy. Is there anything I can do to prevent this condition from happening.I noticed some times when I walk it feels like acid in my stomach like a heartburn but it stays in my stomach. Would the alkaline water help me??? I like to travel but I feel like a prisoner because of this. I was in hospital 3 times in 2 weeks. It seams to get worse. I use the zapper at least once a week take customized Vitamines and minerals and I am not overweight.I have tried homeopathic remedies, accupuncture nothing has help so far. I could not find any reference to my condition in Dr.Hulda clark book.Can someone help me.
Thank you

12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are some amazing testimonials for the Alkalife and how it has helped people. So, I would think it is worth a try, that or the Bicarb-balance, which is used instead of the drops. I use both. When I can't drink the 5 glasses of water I take the two Bicarb-balance pills.

7:37 PM  

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