Dr. Clark University

This blog has been set up for anyone who wants to post new information, as it relates to health, and allow people to request information from other users and to post any information that they deem helpful. This Blog is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or disorder. People should consult with their most competent health care practitioner before taking any food supplements, like vitamins, herbs, etc.


Morgan Jones is our Blog Master - She will monitor and post to the blog. She will also work to make sure there will be no spamming on this blog. We know there are people with serious health issues and those who just want to stay healthy. We respect this and will monitor appropriately.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

One new specific cancer cure, which is a nontoxic breakthrough in cancer, as well as stroke, endometriosis, and psoriasis, with no side effects and no contraindications, is a complex of mineral, vitamin and amino acid known as a palladium lipoic complex (LAPd). The FTC prohibits the mentioning of the trade name for this complex, but there are over 2,000 articles written about LAPd that you can find on the internet. One link that I found is http://www.cancer.org/docroot/ETO/content/ETO_5_3X_Poly-MVA.asp?sitearea=ETO
Dr. James Forsythe, a board certified oncologist, has just completed a twenty-three month study utilizing this complex. All patients enrolled in this retrospective outcome-based study were stage four cancer patients, (according to Kevin Trudeau, Natural Cures TheyDon’t Want You to Know About) As the study progressed and the data began to unfold, Dr. Forsythe presented interim results at the following three enrollment points: 104 patients, 160 patients, and 209 patients. The reported results are so extraordinary that we believe the word spectacular accurately conveys the great promise this protocol holds for millions of cancer patients. The most recent report is available at www.centurywellness.com. (I could not find a reference to this report on this site, however this site is worth knowing about).

This was found from the Natural Cures TheyDon’t Want You to Know About. This book, which the www.drclarkuniversity.org is now carrying, we highly recommend. We believe this is vital information and he also refers to Dr. Clark in his book. To get this from the Dr. Clark University site click or past this link into your browser: http://www.store.yahoo.com/drclarkuniversity/nacuthdowayo.html


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